Services and Products
Core Concept Assessment:- Provides insight to an enterprise's core strengths and competencies.
- Opens new ideas, finding additional "raison d'etre' predicated on core competencies.
- Identifies positioning opportunities of stalled or down-trending brands of enterprise to fit with changed market: Brand equity/extensionLine extensionsOrganizational shifts/needs
Concept/Product Refurbishment Initiative
- Establish existing and new target markets for your enterprise.
- Evaluate the fit of your concept and product with your target market.
- Build appropriate products and messaging to connect with existing and new distributors/consumers
Field Motivation Gap Analysis
- Key Deliverables:
- Intensive interviewing of field leaders
- Synthesis of existing and target perceptions of your enterprise.
- Thorough analysis of existing compensation plan and its congruence with corporate sales objectives.
- Review of industry best practices and recommendations for adjustment to existing plans that have been demonstrated to be successcul.
- In-depth analysis of existing "fixed cost" programs (i.e., incentives and promotions) and their relevancy to the USP.
- Assessment of existing internet technology initiatives with recommendations about how to best leverage them to support field development.
Education/Enrichment: Corporate Management "Boot Camp"/Field Training
- Efficient and rapid understanding of management strengths and weaknesses, operations issues, financial aspectswinnowing out profitability concerns that may not be obvious.
- Creation of five year operational plan to vitalize business
- Provide direction and focus to simultaneously drive existing businesses so they do not suffer from emphasis on new initiatives
- Where appropriate bring field and corporate management together in facilitated environment to cohesively work on issues in the business.
Strategic Plan (incorporating two or more of the discrete Winfield consulting products already identified)
- Creation of five year operational plan to vitalize business
- Provide direction and focus to simultaneously drive existing businesses so they do not suffer from emphasis on new initiatives
- Plan would include evaluative benchmarks and key performace indicators to ensure its efficacy.
Ongoing "Advisory Board" support
- Construct and provide an advisory board composed of best of class functional experts in key to meet with management on a regular basis to provide non-political, non threatening support and guidance for management
- Provide ad hoc support to CEO and key functional executives on an as needed basis.